Monday, September 17, 2018

The Pursuit of Excellence Through Insanity

 The cover of my first ComicBook! The opening page and the back cover.  This book is available in any e-reader format AND hardcopy on Amazon Kindle.
Click Here for the hardcopy - $7.50, e-copy $2.99.

It’s not like ha-ha-ah funny, but it is kinda funny and the issues it deals with are pretty important.  (I think so, anyway).

I am going to just keep pluggin’ along.

There is a time for everything, according to some passage in the Bible, and a season ... and all that. ? ...  And, maybe if you miss the time that is supposed to be your time, you just loose out.  So maybe I just missed my time somehow.

 But, I have been hugely lucky in many ways in my life, wonderful children, great marriage; in the important ways in life - I have been hugely lucky.  As a person with whoah! Depression, I can only get up every morning and plod through each day and try my best to help out in whatever ways I can to make the world, as it were, better.

And, efforts like this comic book, are my way(s) of doing so.

So ... If you are or know of a person with a challenging Mental Health condition and, maybe, can help them in any way, please do so.  And, maybe, can support my efforts by supporting these efforts, with a purchase, please do so.  Send me your email address and I’ll send you the next volume for free.

Okidoke?  Love y’all - as we say in Virginia.


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