Saturday, October 8, 2016

Crows: Vol. 2 - Not In My House!

Crows: Vol. 2 - Not In My House!

“A murder of crows” refers to a group, a crowd, a bunch of, crows.  These linguistic tricks of English with pluralities I find very intriguing.  Why, is a “herd” of cows and a “pride” of lions and stuff like that?  To me crows are really fascinating animals; supposedly one of the smartest birds, even smarter than … say … dogs … (although dogs are not birds – I do know that) Whatever.  So considering their intelligence, their personalities are very curious.  Hence, I use their iconic nature to make isolated and interesting evidences. 

- Why does the American political party, that emancipated slaves, want to reinstate that same condition?  Return to the Founding Fathers thinking?  The only citizens, according to the U.S. Constitution, in 1776, allowed to vote were white men who owned property??!!!??

- The Maori people of New Zealand are large framed people, as I understand.  Or, very large of stature.  The largest American, by and large (get it, ha-ha), would be the men at like 5’10” and let’s say around 190 to 210 lbs. on the average.  So how did we get so big?  As big as the average male Maori, but not due to genetics?  I sit in my local coffee shop and one after the other, they come in and these Americans are yuge!  I mean like massive!  Men and women.  I drive a two-door Toyota Yaris.  I could not give a ride to these persons.  They could not get into my vehicle!!  One of the reasons I rarely lock the doors – there is hardly an American who could get in it, in order to steal it.

- The Philly Cheese Steak is the gourmet signature meal of the City of Brotherly Love.  First you take red beef, full of stockyard hormones, antibiotics and fat, and then you put American cheese, a basically artificial non-food food product, full of weird ingredients, including red and yellow food dyes – known to cause cancer – melted all over the whole mess.  It’s like a heart attack with arterial chocking cholesterol on top.  Yum!

- Apparently Canada is about to euthanize, gas – get rid of – kill – a big bunch of stray dogs.  Public health issues and safety, or something.  I predict a ton of Americans will rush to their rescue.  And, for some reason we can’t help out humans who are war refugees – including several hundred thousand children!  Worried about terrorism.  Hmmm … if a human is like eight years old and hasn’t had a full meal in about two years, weighs maybe 85 lbs. or less (probably less) and can barely walk across a room, how is this child going to commit any kind of an act of terrorism?  What are they going to do, throw handfuls (handsfull) of gravel at people big enough to kill them by sitting on their chest? 

- Hate; - what do you do if you get stuck somewhere in an emergency and the only person who stops to help you is somebody from some group you have decided you hate? 
Caveat; - what if you decided not to hate anybody?  Wouldn’t that be easier?
Caveat 2; - what if you forgot that you had decided to hate a person, and they did something really nice for you, something that you really needed help with and then later remembered, “WhoopsI, I was supposed to hate that person.” ?

- I have decided that I am going to be civil to everyone – even Republicans!  In general I am civil to everyone anyway, but it’s going to take a lot of effort not to loose it with the … no, I’m not going to say it.  Everybody gets a smile.

- Drivers – I don’t think most drivers, here in the USA anyway, notice it, but despite all the warnings about using cell phones while driving, is totally ubiquitous.  Now, if it were a national requirement that everybody must ride a bicycle in their normal everyday life for – say – three months, before being allowed to drive on the highway, I doubt there would be as many distracted drivers – trying their best to kill everybody else.  Or, they could substitute a European style motor scooter or even a motorcycle.  Any mode of self directed type of wheeled vehicle, where they do not have seat belts, air-bags, crush-zones and two to three tons of steel and plastic and shatter-proof glass surrounding them.  Enough close calls with idiots on their phones, eating, music way too loud, drinking beer and turning around to talk to another idiot in the back seat and just maybe they would focus a bit more when they are captaining their own tank in the middle of the rest of us.
Yes, music too loud – when I’m next to some person at a stoplight and I can feel the vibration of their crappy rap or country western noise up through my feet straddling a 600 lbs. bike – it’s too fucking loud.

- If “disco” is dead, why have so many contemporary movies chosen to use it as background soundtracks?

- The 90’s were incredible and I feel sorry for those of you who missed it.  And I have sympathy for all those who prepped for the fall of humanity when it flipped to the year 2000.  I was a large school’s Director of Technology and we didn’t have a single computer even hiccough, let alone crash.  What a bunch of pussies.  We knew it was coming, we adjusted for it, prepared and – blip – nothin’ happened.  Now Nov. 8th this year has me concerned, even more than Y2K.

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