Sunday, June 29, 2014

God Is In the Reruns, And ...

God Is In the Reruns And …

Second time …

“God is in the details.”  A long time quote you see and hear a lot.  I have no idea who is responsible for it.  (Not me)  The question then arises from this; God being in the details; is where or how are these details established.  Exactly what details.  There is a tendency for everything to have a lot of details.

And just because a particular thing is small, does not mean it doesn’t have a lot of details.  The act of breathing has a lot of details.  God is definitely in the act of breathing!  Doncha think?  Grains of sand, planets, contemporary TV schedules.

Spending some time on this concept, a couple of – or three – thoughts occurred to me.  First of all, let’s say a person believes deeply in a particular God.  A God that has an established focus group and a manual.  By this I infer a clergy of some sort and a Bible, or Talmud, or Koran.  A Godly God that has been around for some time. 

Still with me?

Okay …

So, according to an established God’s word, as it were, a person of that faith is expected to act, live, behave in set ways.  How are these specifics, or details, arrived at?  Why by studying the manuals (Bible, etc.) and listening to the various clergymen.  And all of this is based on what has happened in the past.  In other words, a person of faith scrutinizes the details of what has happened before.

A major theme in the religious manuals is; God says, “Don’t do this (some particular thing) and you’d better do that (some other particular thing – like … oh … respect your mother and father.)  The people (in the historical manual) disobey and they do the thing they were told not to do.  Then they turn right around and don’t do the other thing.

Sa-mote-ah!!!  That God these people ignored doth put the big smote! upon their asses.  The big whammy!  The  major smack-down!   Suddenly it’s raining burning frogs, there are like … floods and stuff drowns – like everything gets wet and starts to mold.  Old people are wearing their baseball hats backwards.  All the beer in the world goes all funky.  Tragedy and tough times everywhere you look.

The Godly clergy all make little notes in the margins of their Bible manuals and repeat the stories of what God WILL put down if the faithful don’t start toeing the line.  And the people “were sore afeerd!” and straightened up for a while and everything became just peachy wonderful.  Everyone’s boils all healed up.  The old people started wearing their baseball hats like old people should.  The burning frogs turned into some kind of Tastee Cake and the people rejoiced and became slightly overweight, which was considered a beauty mark of the ancient old timey times.

Then the people got overconfident and screwed up again and again came the burning frogs.  Round and around.  With the clergy sulking in the background and mumbling at the sidewalks, “Stupid people …. I told ‘em an’ I tole ‘em … do this shit an don’t do that shit an no-ho-body listens … oh no … don’t listen to me … I read the manual and wrote the stuff in the margins an I tole ‘em …  mmmble, mmmmble … now we got the friggin' flaming toads falling out of the clouds agin …”

So my contention is that you can’t find the details unless you study the reruns.  It’s all there in the reruns.  Like the dialogue in a movie you miss when you are sitting in the movie theater watching a movie you have looked forward to for … like, months.  You paid your … like twenty bucks and found a good seat because you got there early.  And at the last minute some big jerk comes pushing in and sits right fucking behind you!!!  Then every ten seconds he’s kickin’ the back of your seat!!!!!!!  And you miss what the actors are saying!!!!!

Man!!!  You really want to smote that turkey!!!

So you have to wait until that movie comes out for rental and carefully listen to the part you missed.  Those details in the reruns.  That’s what I’m talking about.

I will have a new video for you next week.  I promise.  Really, truly true.
But here is a photo of my latest Grapevine and chalk drawing on packing paper.  These are my oldest motorcycle boots.  I call it Wa-a-ay Old Motorcycle Boots #414.

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Dale Clarence Peterson © 2014
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