Sunday, April 27, 2014

Vampires … Shmampires!

Vampires … Shmampires!

How much of this vampire nonsense do we have to put up with?

The whole thing started with a decent novel by John Polidori called, are you ready for this, The Vampyre.  Published in 1819.  Then along came Bram Stoker with Dracula in 1897.  And that Dracula took the ridiculous old folk stories and superstitions to a new height of the absurd.

Now I gotta say these guys could write.  I mean they could really write in a style that just pulls the reader into their darkest thoughts.  And before movies and, worse yet, television and even worse than that a huge waste of resources on modern digital special effects.
In my mind though the work of Mary Shelly and her novel Frankenstein is the best written of that whole horror genre.  Shelly’s prose is just wonderfully done.

Still, back to vampires – blood sucking chacaburas and other such brain compost has gotten wa-a-ay out of hand.  Vampires that are beautiful and fall in love and stop sucking blood because their lu-huv-vy-huvy love love is so strong.  And they become some kind of born-again humanists who fight any number of new baddies that are supposedly even worse.

On the flip-side, I love the superhero comic book genre.  Superman and Batman, Aquaman, etc..  Those comic books are what actually taught me to read.  And the supervillians in those superhero comics were actually believable to me (as a kid).
I mean those bad guys were evil and crooks and baddy-bad-bad without all the bloody horror stuff – which I hated as a kid. 

Those superheros and supervillians were so over-the-top, even as a boy I knew none of it was real.  I just thought it was cool.  I never put a towel around my neck and jumped off the roof of the house thinking I could fly.  Maybe my imagination was stunted, but I wasn’t stupid.  I did want to be super-strong and see through girls clothes, but I never had any desire to bite somebody on the neck so I could become immortal and turn into a bat.

Later in life, kind of biting a pretty girl’s neck did become inviting and a nice experience, but I wasn’t trying to … like … break the skin and suck blood.  Actually that never crossed my mind – really.  I have bitten my own tongue and other dumb moves where I have had to taste my own blood.  Blood, to me, is not very tasty.  I find it mostly not something I could ever want to have to do on a regular basis. 

Years ago, when I ate meat (which I haven’t done for decades and decades) (now, don’t judge … I am very healthy, have been all my life and for over half of it, I haven’t eaten meat) (live with it) - - - Anyway, when I did eat meat, I was always a well-done kind of guy.  Pink, bloody meat really was not my first option.

So we have our handsome, beautiful lovey-doveys running around, living forever and doing good, these days.  The origin of the super-di-duper evil villains, such as Dracula and Vlad the Impaler , has gone all cutesy and those guys are now the good guys.  What!

I hate that! 

Did you ever read up on Vlad the Impaler?  There was real person who is sometimes credited with starting the whole Count Dracula thing.  And ole Vlad was beyond evil.  That guy was truly truly nasty and nobody made him up – he was very real..  It would be almost impossible to invent a fictional villian who was that bad.

But with all the vampire nonsense coming out these days, writers are doing their best.  Even Hannibal Lector is a cutey-pie next to ole Vlad.  They’re all trying to out-bad the bad guys by turning the old bad guys into good-guys.  Hollywood even tried to pull that off with nasty Hannibal. 

Can you say, “retread?”

So I say, “Lay off the vampire schtick.  They have their coffins to roll around in.  Leave ‘em there.”

{{All of my in-depth research was done on Wikipedia.}}

Dale Clarence Peterson © 2014
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