Wednesday, January 18, 2017

My Advice: Avoid Your Own Reality

My Advice: Avoid Your Own Reality

Happiness.  What is it?  Anyone who will stand up right now and declare, “Well, I’m happy.”  I say, “Sit down.  You are irritating.”  It may be possible, to be happy, that is.  I won’t deny that possibility.  I also don’t deny the possibility that there is a God.  Some people, by required doctrine, connect the two.

When I began this piece of writing I was in a rather cynical place … mentally.  At this given time, that is not quite the case. 

It’s been a couple of days … my Artwork has taken a good skip forward.  Developed some new techniques, invented some stuff.  But, I still keep getting derailed by the TV.  I’ve been avoiding reality by living in the other world of passive entertainment.  Identifying with characters, plot lines and theme parks of the acting world.  Pathetic really. …

What I am saying here is that to really avoid your own reality, it’s fairly easy to embed yourself in somebody else’s reality.  These days, as a matter of fact, it’s too easy.  Just find something on Netflix, or whatever, and binge out.  I am intimating you would find something of interest to you – for me, for a while, it was documentaries on the Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs.  Why, the Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs, I don’t know.  Truly, I do not know why the Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs. ???

But, it did keep my brain off of all the issues that had been banging around, like ball bearings in a tile box.  All the weird shit those guys were into like 4000 years ago, really helped my depression find a turn-around.  It was a completely different world for those guys.  My impression is that they, Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs., were able to live in a different reality than they were actually living in at the time.  Common sense, obvious empirical evidence, simple …… naahhh, that can’t be right.  But, in that reality, they invented from whole cloth, seemed to kind of work and they got all kinds of stuff done.  ((Credit where it’s due, really.))

It is possible to apply the reality of contemporary sit-coms, rom-coms, sci-fi coms etc. to your own.  Sometimes I do do that.  I find actors I think are really interesting or funny or are just really good at acting and have the ability to really pull a viewer into their role and plot.  I recommend not too much of that though, because fictional reality is sort of another layer of non-reality laid on top of non-reality reality.  And, the twist of somebody who isn’t really somebody else, pretending (acting) to be somebody that they are not, in a world, or situation, that is totally pretend, is tricky to turn off and get back to what is actual.  And that, can often throw me back into a bad depressive cycle. 

Mostly from the intrusive news services, we know that a lot, if not most, of the actors who become big shots and all that Paparazzi  fodder, tend to be just the same nutcases that the rest of us are.  They just get a lot more attention and since they seem to have a lot of money, they can buy pretty much any alternate reality they want.  And, their decisions have made it obvious money isn’t the answer.  Or, at least, money cannot buy the answer, and often, with enough money, a person can destroy their own reality.  Bad decisions can, occasionally, be corrected.  But, enough bad decisions, one after the other without a break in the sequence, can really fuck things up.

So this leaves us with, maybe, one conclusion; i.e. “avoiding your own reality by altering that reality in reality, is not the real solution.”  And yet, “avoiding your own reality by adopting, in a course of study, an actual reality, can temporarily allow for some form of alleviation from the stress caused by your own empirical reality.”  If not that, then altering the perception of your own reality by accepting that artistic interpretation of a different, and fictional, reality can be acceptable.  If the moment of that acceptance remains in full contact with the knowledge that it is in fact not reality.
Books on Kindle by Dale Clarence Peterson
Peterson ArtWorks on Etsy

Note: for the brave among my dear readers, I offer a new, separate but different blog:
study in a matter of theory and conjecture about human brain-mind development towards retaining ever increasing meta-cognitive development.  Based on Mathematics, and I refer to Base 3 Calculus. I wouldn’t expect a whole lot of people to give it a try.  But if you are in any manner open-minded and intellectually curious, the Math used is truly only a tool to condense the theory proposed. 

Just published  “Twelve Roses for Kathy – A journey on a motorcycle out of the darkness of bipolar disorder”