If You’re Not In The Posse, Don’t Wear The Badge
“If you ain’t sellin’,
don’t advertise. If you ain’t buyin’,
don’t cut in line.”
A pick-up passes me on a bridge. Not a big deal, but this particular bridge is
one of those really steep ones. The ones
where when you, on the one side, can’t
see over it to the other side. Big hump
in the middle. Totally blind before you
hit the crest of that bridge. Cain’t see
ANY of the on-coming traffic. Now
directly on the other side of the crest, from either direction, you can see a
good quarter mile ahead and there is a broken
yellow line indicating passing is allowed.
Most locals know this. This is a
well-traveled bridge; yes, it’s an old bridge, but using it saves dozens of
It’s all fine, just wait to pass until you gets over that
crest. Nope! There is this jack-asse behind me, who just assumes, I guess, angels are sitting on
his shoulder. Wham! Jamming around me, before the crest is this spiffy new monster
tire nine-wheel-drive, really stupid
pick-up truck. There is a Huge rear window decal. HUGe! Rear window decal that says – wait for it… HARLEY-DAVIDSON
!!!!! (???) Really? This monster-truck idiot has a motorcycle brand company decal flashing
away in his rear window, he’s slamming
past somebody (an old man – as in me)
on a motorcycle, on a narrow old southern bridge (absolutely no skirt – no
place to get out of the f*ing
way)! Oh, he’s a biker jock – oh yeah! Look
at the biker-guy in his monster truck! Almost killing somebody who is actually riding a motorcycle.
Now, sometime after this … there is an intersection in the
very small town in this local, right in front of the only SuperMart (rhymes with mega-store
paying minimum wage). It’s a big
four-way eight-lane thing; actually each direction also has two (2) left-turn
lanes. … Ya gotta picture this. All of these funnel into two-lane cross streets.
Re-e-ed light … green light. , yellow light… f***ing RED LIGHT!!!
Got it? Light change
and it’s a stock car race, a true southern “Git thar first!”
‘Nother pick-up.
‘Nother four-wheel drive monster-tire hunk-o-penis comes zooming past me right through the RED LIGHT!!! On his rear tailgate, big as a real fish, is
one of those Christian fish symbols.
(???) Turn the other cheek, love all mankind Christian badges? Just arearin’ (ready) to mow down enybawdy (anybody) who gits
(gets) in ‘is (his) way.
Two examples … I once stopped a fellow in another mega-store (rhymes with mega-store paying slightly higher than minimum-wage), which is famous for all
of its associates wearing red
shirts. This young man was wearing a
bright red shirt. I asked for directions
to some item, or other. Don’t remember
anymore. He responded, somewhat
indignantly, he didn’t know because he
DIDN’t work there. He said something
like, “I’m never gonna wear this shirt in this store again.” I thought, to myself, “Well, that would be a good idea.” And, “Unless you feel like being more civil to other people.”
Back to motorcycles … under the guise of the developed
nation’s religions, or general theologies
and/or deeply-felt cultural mores
(morals) as depicted by television, or wifi
streaming entertainment. I make note of
how many really cool, and stylish, motorcycle jackets – and, obviously yugely expensive – jackets appear in the
wardrobes of the actors. Who never get
within spitting distance of a motorcycle at any time during the programs. ???
One more; Dogs left
in windows-closed, locked cars in the summer heat, with, “I heart Dobermans (or some weird breed of
dog – Shitzhus?)” window decals or
bumper stickers.
Really? My thinking
is, “If you are not actually on-the-team, why are you wearing the uniform?”
Note: for the brave
among my dear readers, I offer a new, separate but different blog:
A study in a
matter of theory and conjecture about human brain-mind development
towards retaining ever increasing meta-cognitive
development. Based on Mathematics, and I
refer to Base 3 Calculus. I wouldn’t
expect a whole lot of people to give it a try.
But if you are in any manner open-minded and intellectually curious,
the Math used is truly only a tool to condense the theory proposed.
Thank you Dear Reader and Joy be unto you.
Just published “Twelve
Roses for Kathy – A journey on a motorcycle out of the darkness of bipolar