“The first great book
was a little girl’s handprint on the wall of a cave.”
What does it mean to live with fire? To be greeted every
morning with a big bag of wet sand on your chest? To have to put all your strength into pushing
that bag of sand off and then to have to walk across live coals to find your
pants? Pulling up your pants is
exhausting – cold sweat runs down your spine. Sitting in a pool of fear and
throwing fists full of scalding caffeine down your throat until you can focus,
focus just enough to remember that you wear glasses? Wrestling demons of self-doubt, sometimes
even self-hatred – demons with
screaming eyes of self-hatred – before you can find those glasses?
Every mistake and fuck-up you have ever committed running on
a never ceasing loop through your brain?
Especially the fuck-ups. The really bad stuff, the behaviors, each one
of which basically ruined your life until you beat it back with a fury born of some kind of faith? Each one gaining in
volume with each loop? Knowing that none
of those actions were intentional, but more a Tourette’s response and you were
still held totally responsible for. All of them stacked one conjoined to the
next and responsible, in bulk, for the failure that is your life
Shoving some calories that you don’t even taste into your
face, because you know, with absolute certainty that you must – or you will pay for it later in the day if you
don’t. Without that push of glucose,
your hands will start to tremble, your heart will begin racing and a daylight
nightmare of anxiety will engulf your very soul. Eat or
find yourself locked in a closet filled with snakes.
And yet, despite all of that, you shed that skin of
destructive bullshit and begin to make something worthwhile of the coming
Then … then … the knowledge that you must exercise. It
hurts. It begins with pain, the pain
crescendos into something … wait!
A change begins to slide into the day, somehow the pain becomes a
challenge. Now challenge is something you are expert at. Life itself has been a constant
challenge. We got that one down. We, the shitty self and the angel, do not
know the easy path. The challenge becomes a song. Starting low and distant, the song builds and
the exercise becomes – breaks like a
tsunami – into a chorus, into a huge choir of hope.
ANGELS WINGS OF HOPE soar into the scene. For now it has become a brand new scene. The tragedy that was the fitful attempt at
sleep and became a drama, the opening scene of a cheap soap opera that was the
act of getting out of bed, into clothes and the breaking of a gut gnawing
fast. Now it is a new scene which has the potential of becoming the saga of a hero. Into a poem that could run down the ages and become legend.
Not that it really could, or will, truly become legend. It is all merely hope.
“Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” The Gods repel this hate. False! This is Satan
and false! Hope is the nectar of the real Gods. Hope is oxygen. Life begins with hope. Death must be greeted with hope that is
stronger yet. Hope is what gives value
to breathing.
With a new day’s focus on a horizon of possibilities built
with logs saturated to dripping with the most flammable, highly combustible,
blood of dragons is a pyre. A pyre
waiting for a spark. The tiniest spark
of hope. A fistful full of fire, mixed with
a fistful of hope plus faith, thrown with split-the-arrow accuracy directly at
the center-base. A bonfire instantly
WAIT! “What’s going on here? Man!
That’s a lot of heavy stuff,
there …… Well, I know it is. It certainly is. Singular?
Unique? The author is nuts. Well yup, that’s true. However, you can’t be extraordinary if you’re ordinary. And, I don’t think it’s possible to be truly extraordinary by mere
intention. That’s called being weird.
The difference between exceptional and being weird, is that those who
are actually extraordinary, don’t
know it.
It’s like the difference between passion and desire. Desire is something that is felt, something
that is sought after. Passion is something that exists.
There is a person and there is a passionate person. But, in
fact, with the passionate person, the person disappears and all that truly
is, is passion. Or, with passion, there
is no person, there is only the passion.
Passion throws fists filled with fire, by the fistful, at
the passion’s target. The thrower, the
pitcher, simply must throw that
fire. Fire burns, fire gives bright
light, but it hurts – fire is painful and must
be expelled. However for the
extraordinary, most often also called the insane
(or, read: mentally disabled), every
time the arm is brought back to the side of the body, the hands fill with fire again – and then again, and again, and
It MUST be expelled
thrown at something
when it hits
life explodes – a meteor strike
and the wonder
flairs (flares)
solar flairs
sometimes beautiful
sometimes devastating
always real
flying, flying, soaring
ripping space and time
Why? Must I come back down?
Must I return to the dirt and toil of another day? Sun flairs or the tar pits. From one directly into the other. Over and over and over. Sisyphus.
Immortal, but exposed for eternity.
And all I meant was to give love.
I only wanted to bring light to the darkness.
And, the waves come and take wiping away my castles.
And, then there is nothing.
(Author’s Note: I
realize this is a heavy piece and I have debated for a long time, whether to
post it or not. After forty years there
is one person, a single person, whom I trust in all things; that is my wife. I read this to her and asked that
question. Without hesitation or even
explanation, she said, “Yes”.)
Just published “Twelve
Roses for Kathy – A journey on a motorcycle out of the darkness of bipolar