Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Magical Science and Mystical Math

Magical Science and Mystical Math

Now I won’t mention a particular American political party; but at the present there is one that seems to be leaning hard some sort of Science that borders, apparently, on more of a kind of Magic than any kind of real Science.  To me there is a fundamental logic that can be arrived at through mere observation.  An analogy; a piano is hanging by a single wimpy and frayed looking rope.  Logic of observation would tend to tell a person, “Don’t stand under that piano.” … Right?  I’m right, aren’t I?

I mean, really, would any observant and half intelligent (wouldn’t have to be completely intelligent – even) person have to be told, “Hey, don’t stand under that piano.  That rope don’t look too good.”  Right?  … Okay.

Are humans responsible for Climate Change on the scale that appears to be happening today?  Well, look around.  That most huge per centage of our breathable atmosphere comes from two basic sources.  The top coupla feet of the ocean where plankton and other life forms absorb CO2 and emit oxygen.  And the forests dotted around the globe.  We know this.  This is a provable fact.  You don’t need to be a scientist to know this.  It’s in every science book from the most fundamentalist Bible pounders to, God forbid, Atheists’ science books.

So for even the shortest amount of time that anyone accepts; like the Bible Pounders believe, the earth is 8000 years old, our grand global ecosystem hummed right along without any real affect from people.  Then following the Industrial Revolution, say 200 years ago at a big stretch, a lot of the fresh water around the entire globe has become unusable right where you find it – lakes and say, mountain streams, etc..  Even in the most remote places, you can no longer drink any of it without filtering or boiling.

The surface of the oceans have massively large islands of oily goo and even solid acreage, thousands and thousand of square miles, of litter.  Just plain old floating garbage.  Miles and miles across islands of plastic bottle, dirty diapers and all of the other crap that takes millenniums to decompose and floats.  The surface of ALL of the unfrozen water on the planet is being choked by human waste or human created pollution.  You can see it from satellites.  It does not require a scientist to simply observe this.  NONE of it existed – at all – 200 years ago.

How did it get there, choking off one of the planets major sources of oxygen?  It didn’t blow out of volcanoes.  It didn’t rise from the bottom of the oceans, etc..  It didn’t fall from the skies.  It had to be MADE by something.  God, didn’t make it.  Why would an omniscient all powerful being make a thing that destroys something else that that being made?  Not logical!  How did it get there? 

Humans made it!!!  There is simply no other way it got there, or here. 
It’s not a matter of science even. 

Now, we get to the forests, even general green vegetation.  It is also a proven fact that trees, especially, and other green plants take sunlight and water and nutrients from the soil, they also absorb CO2 and emit oxygen.  Not evolution vs. creation.  Not religious vs. atheists.  Not faith vs. anything else.  Remove any one of these three elements from the equation and the trees and other green growing things, die.  They no longer continue to live.  When they die, when they are dead, they don’t, they can’t do this anymore.  Do you need a scientist to tell you that!!!

Dead things don’t do anything, once they are dead, except rot.  Actually when organic matter, or organisms, die, they decompose and that, generally as I understand it, emits CO2.  So they actually contribute more to the problem when they die.

When you cut down massive swaths of forests, like in the Amazon (as in the globes largest Rain Forest) to raise beef cattle, build millions of crappy useless housing tracts nobody wants and other stupid human desires, what happens?  It all boils down to one conclusion and one conclusion only – human beings are fucking up the place. 

I’ll get to “Mystical Math” the next time.