Don’t Tell, Ask
I recently read an article about communications between
generations. The upshot being that each
succeeding generation is raised in a
manner that reflects their parent generation’s beliefs in child rearing, not
the manner in which they, the parent generation, was raised. Or, people raise their own children how they believe children should be raised, not how
they were raised.
Myself, I was raised in a time when spanking your children was not only acceptable, it was damn near
required, or expected. If your kids
misbehaved, you spanked them. If you
were a kid and you acted really badly, first you were warned, “I’m gonna
clobber you!” And, you continued to act out, you got clobbered.
Today, if you hit your kid, you can get arrested – or worse,
Child Protection Services will come
and take your kid away from you.
Now during the time period when my wife and I raised our
children, we are now grandparents, you could
smack your kids, but it was frowned on.
We were actually advised by the Child Rearing books of the time, to
smack them on their bottoms. Never hit
them on the head or anything, but a bottom slap was good for them. My wife and I never did that, we just yelled – which we are now told was
wrong, or worse than hitting them.
Sigh …
It seems whatever parents do, once their children are grown,
that was wrong. Young parents always seem to know more than their
parents about raising kids. Is this
The article I mentioned at the start of this blog, says we
now need to ask the younger
generation to do things, we aren’t supposed to tell them to do things anymore.
We have to ask them … ? What are the current parents teaching their
children with this asking thing? Don’t spank, don’t swat, don’t yell, don’t
tell – ask??? Who’re the parents in this scenario? Why not just give the kids some big knives? Don’t want to do something? Stab the person telling you to do it, or worse.
I mean, after all, whose place is it to tell you to do anything?
You’re a young person with no fucking concept of how the
world actually works, but you got
rights! Right! Somehow, somewhere there has to be some kind
of logic, some kind of middle ground. I can’t be certain, but right now, right here
in this country, you could spank your kids and claim it was on religious grounds and that’d be totally
fine. Well, as long it was Christian religious grounds. Maybe that’s a stretch, but it wouldn’t
surprise me.
To me a big part of it is we now have too many people
running around on the government’s dime
who seem to be calling the shots. I
admit to be a left-leaning voter, but sometimes I do believe these Protection Agencies get a bit out of
line. Mostly we have too many people
whose sole purpose for being employed is to remain
employed and if they have to spend their days jumping in puddles to splash on
other people, well … that bothers me.
How does a parent discipline a child when all they are
permitted to do anymore is talk to
the kid? A kid of an age where they
simply have no context by which to understand many concepts of right or wrong
behavior? How do you do that? How do you make it stick – get it into their
heads and long-term memory that whacking the family dog with a stick is wrong –
or similar actions. Or throwing their
bowl of oatmeal on the floor because they want fruity-dooty-marshmellow-crisp-crunch. Stuff like that.
“Okay, you’re gonna get a time-out.” Give me a fucking
break. After raising six children, I can
say without a tiny doubt that does not
work. It doesn’t work with adults, where do we get the idea it’s
going to work with kids. A guy gets
caught drunk and speeding through town.
The law doesn’t say, “Okay, now you’re gonna get a time-out.” We have all seen
it on TV – half the time the guy gets pulled out of the car and beat with a
baton and then he gets hauled off to jail.
So the guy goes to jail, serves his time, goes to AA and
stops drinking and joins a church choir and then his little kids throws a
steaming hot bowl of oatmeal in his face.
He’s supposed to say, “Oh oh oh!
It’s a time-out for you young
man.” Hmmm … Does that seem real to you?
So I am not justifying hitting the kid. But taking down the box of fruity-dooty-marshmellow-crisp-crunch
and pouring it down the garbage disposal right in front of the kid, that might
work. Then making sure that all the kid
gets for breakfast for a week is oatmeal. Maybe lunch and dinner too. Or he goes hungry – but Child Protection
would bust you for that too.
To wrap up this blog, the only thing I can come up with is
to just not have children. I mean what else is there? Anything you do is gonna be wrong, even
illegal, in the eyes of somebody and some of those people are gonna wreck your
life if you do the wrong thing.
Yup. Best to avoid the whole
Thanks for reading.