Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I Prove the Existence of god (GOD) Mathematically

I Prove the Existence of god (GOD) Mathematically

∑ = ∞ ÷ Ω{(0∫2)÷1} where ∫=Ω as the element "time".

Or, Ω being the final notation of nonexistance.

[[Henceforward, this shall be known as The Joyous Equation. And, is copyrighted © 2014 by Dale Clarence Peterson}}

A day according to the calendar in use today is 23 hours and 57 minutes long. This is all based on the orbit of the earth around the sun and from that figure divisions being made down to this calculation for a day. From this we get down to hours and seconds and nanoseconds. Then we have to throw in an extra day every four years to make up for this three minute piece of time coinage.

Melt it down. The facts on which science bases all its fundamentals are flawed right at the core because of this sloppy system, or assumption. A side note: what supreme power would come up with that? Talk about horseshit. I’m not even going to try to get it all accurate, because it’s stupid right from the start.

Nanoseconds? Ha! A nearly inconceivably tiny fraction of a second? This is where, and why, I introduce the character ∫. If the numeral 0=off and 1=on, what represents the distance between 0 and 1. The speed of light, or C (a character chosen by Einstein for no other reason than he thought it was a good one in his equation E=M(C squared)) is used to calculate the vast distances that exist between all the innumerable celestial bodies in this thing we call the universe. Take a bunch of time calculated from this system and glop it together you get a light year.

Or, the distance light can travel in a year – which is pretty far we are also led to accept. On faith. Really despite all the facts we still have to accept this little piece of math on faith. Why? Time, as we know it – as I have just said – is just so damn vague.

The assumption that computations as carried out in binary code are infallible is shown to be impossible according to the above equation. According to binary math the existence of god (GOD) would be impossible. How could there be nothing between off and on? This is just not possible, but what is this factor, element, (thing)?

A computer works according to the clocking of "on v. off (0,1)". The number of computations per second in Mgb (MegaBytes - 1000 KiloBytes (another misnomer)) is what is referred to as this clocking. When a computer works at a rate that exceeds its actual real speed, or the speed at which the silicone chip (or chips as processors improve) within the processor actually does process, it is known as over-clocking. And, it is possible to trick a processor to do this.

I am not an engineer (that’s probably obvious), but I do consider myself somewhat of a logician. If you determine a pattern of mathematical conclusions, it is possible to skip actual steps, or sums. Let’s say you determine a dozen eggs equals twelve eggs and a dozen dozen equals a gross. When you load the egg truck, all you have to count are the boxes that contain a gross. You have just over-clocked your capacity to inventory what each egg truck is carrying.

Okay, so how does this work with binary code. Processed through several steps of coding, not necessary to explain, you wind up with glops (again with the glops?) of code called objects. All the processor has to do is pass off these objects to a second set of processor chips. The sum of objects comes back and the first set accepts these, passes those back – this continues until the object called end of line comes down to the processor through that line of code.

Put exactly the right objects together and you get a function. Put enough of the right functions together and you get a process. Processes result in data. And so on. La-di-da. All of this is based on a system that begins with eight bits to a byte, which comes out to 1024 bytes (not an even 1000) bytes to a kilobyte (bit of a misnomer there) and so on. Sloppy, once again. I see a lot of rounding out in this stuff.

However, if you use a tertiary system (Base 3) or 0,1,2, where 1= Ω as an element and as a function of 1 to determine the value of time between off and on, or in another sense distance, all of this sloppiness disappears. being the sum of all parts, must balance (equate) the infinite divided by not 0, or off, but 0 as and integral of on as 2 as factored by 1 .

So … not being a sectarian religious person, I find the only possible conclusion is that there has to be something we might call the sum of all parts (∑) that provides a place for the existence of the infinite, or , and this can only be measured by Ω . And Ω cannot be expressed in the sloppy system we call the solar calendar or determination of time. It has to be expressed by an integral function , or of another value, in my formula being {(0∫2)÷1} .

In short there must be something between the place of no beginning and the place of no end we call infinity. And, this something cannot be distance as measured by time (as we calculate it), it must be an integral function of what exists between nonexistence and existence. And this eliminates the possibility of binary math as an accurate mathematical function.

Now all I have written here in this blog, might seem silly and, to some, a stupid parody of religion and even mathematics. In one sense it is, because as I have said I am, and cannot seem to help being, a religious skeptic and a true mathematical sophomore. However, if my dear readers can pull their minds out of the iron bucket that has been jammed down over all of our heads … well, think about it. Just consider my theory.

Author’s Note: None of the information in this blog has been researched or validated. So, don’t try it at home. I take no responsibility if you disappear or if hair begins to grow somewhere it shouldn’t. I don’t really believe in research only logic, which will be the subject of my next blog.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Even a Quarter Inch Makes a Huge Difference

Even a Quarter Inch Makes a Huge Difference

So Sandra Bullock is in a movie some years ago.  It’s about a cop who goes undercover as a beauty queen to catch somebody who’s trying to blow up beauty queen pageants, or something (I forget).  Naturally other than being pretty (we are led to assume) Sandra Bullock (in this role) is not much of a girly girl.  She needs help learning to be girly girl.

Cut to the important part  this pageant consultant is brought in and he’s teaching her to walk like a girly girl pageant entrant – on the streets of New York (of course – it has to be New York for the humor to work).  She’s focused on her hip-swinging walk and a cabby almost hits her in a crosswalk.  She pounds on the hood of his cab and yells at him, “Hey, assehole! I’m sachéin’ here-ya!”  (New Yo-ark accent)

My point being that sometimes when we’re really focused on something, something that takes us out of our normal daily experience we can put ourselves in some ridiculous situations.  Not so much dangerous as, “What’s happening?  Huh?” situations.

Every couple of weeks I have to take the household trash to the dump; known here as the “Convenience Center”.  (Sidenote:  when did it become a politically correct issue not use the word dump anymore?  Convenience Center ?  But that’s another topic …) I have to drive my old pick-up truck.  My truck is a short cab long bed rear wheel drive old thing.  This means it has no traction when there is nothing in the back. 

It will fish-tail around and refuse to climb a two percent grade if there is a quarter inch of wet leaves on the road.  I mean just maybe a layer of wet leaves three leaves deep.  ‘sssreeer!  Sssreeer!”  on a just wet leaves.  I fill the truck bed with a dozen trash garbage bags, which don’t weigh much since they’re mostly empty frozen pizza boxes and banana peels.  Maybe some coffee grounds and used teabags.  Not heavy enough to help put any traction on the rear axle.

An’ I can’t get the damn truck to climb the tiny little incline getting up the driveway from the house.  “Hey assehole! I’m tryin’ to get to the damn dump here-ya.”

 One other place where a quarter of an inch makes a huge difference is when a person becomes bald.  As in the case of a male person, with the pattern bald genome, approaching his elder years.  As in the case of himself, or me, as it were.  Rather than let my hair grow and look like I’m wearing a cheap clown wig, I buzz it down to nearly a Mr. Clean.  Not shaved, but nearly.

Every time it gets long enough to pinch, like an Army recruit cut, I buzz it again.  I’ve been doing this for nearly twenty years.  Lately as I’ve added those twenty years to my life span I have noticed that for almost a week after each new buzz cut, my head, and therefore the rest of me, feels cold – all day long!  Even a dusting, a quarter inch,  of hair when it concerns your scalp makes that much of a difference to your sense of comfort.

And when a person approaches those elder years, that sense of comfort becomes more and more of a big deal.